A Or An 


English Wikipedia has an article on:

It’s I can’t receive it from them Mon, 03 Jun 2019 17:28:44 GMT. A and an are what are called indefinite articles. Indefinite articles give us information about nouns. A and an tell us that there is only one of the nouns. For example: a book, or an apple. .”Honor” starts with a consonant; however, the “h” is silent. Fright storygraffiti movies & documentaries 2019. Therefore, the word actually begins with an “o” sound.”Union” starts with a vowel; however, the initial “u” makes more of a “y” sound, which counts as a consonant in this case. The A or An Dictionary. A reference guide that tells you when to use A and when to use An before every word.


Alternative forms[edit]

Grammar A Or An Acronym


nbsp (pluralnbsps)

  1. (HTML)Abbreviation of non-breaking space; a blank space in a line of type which should not be at the very end of the line of text.
    • 1999 September 8, 'Simon Fraser' (username), 'fixes for empty doc testing and output', in netscape.public.mozilla.editor, Usenet:
      I also changed OutputToString and OutputToStream to check for an empty document when requesting plain text, in which case they'll return an empty string or stream. This fixes the bug where we'd send back an nbsp in the string.
    • 2001 June 4, 'Fox', 'Netscape: DIV within a table?', in comp.lang.javascript, Usenet:
      You need the nbsp in order for the cell to show like a regular cell (otherwise you get that 'raised' looking space -- if you know what I mean).
    • 2003 June 6, 'S Chapman', 'Help me upgrade from PageMill !', in adobe.golive.windows, Usenet:
      Incidentally - I noticed myself that GL doesn't automatically put a nbsp in table cells.


Retrieved from 'https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=nbsp&oldid=58726701'

Finding the difference between using ‘a’ and ‘an’ is something my students really struggle with. My younger students especially stress themselves out trying to decide whether it’s “a apple” or “an apple”, and whether it’s “a umbrella” or “an umbrella”. So here are some great ways of remembering which one to use.

A or an rule

A Or An Grammar Girl

There is one simple way of remembering this. When the word begins with a vowel sound (a,e,i,o,u) then you should use ‘an’ as it sounds better and feels easier to say.

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When the word begins with a consonant you should use ‘a’. If you use words and phrases such as ‘ball’, ‘glass of water’ or ‘cup of coffee’, then it would be “a ball”, “a glass of water” and “a cup of coffee”.

A or an grammar girlNon

Non Breaking Spaces

However with this rule there is one exception. If you are using a word with a silent ‘h’ such as ‘honourable’ or ‘honest’ then you have to use ‘an’. Therefore it would be “an honourable man” and “an honest mistake”.

With words such as ‘umbrella’, ‘ice cream’ and ‘apple’ you have to use “an umbrella”, “an ice cream” and “an apple”.


Unfortunately there are some exceptions to this rule too. When ‘u’ makes the same sound as the ‘y’ in “you”, or ‘o’ makes the same sound as ‘w’ in “won” then you should use ‘a’. An example of this would be “a one-legged man” and “a European trip”.

As long as you follow these methods of remembering it should be easy to know when to use ‘a’ or ‘an’.