Style Warsgraffiti Movies & Documentaries

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  • 23,124
  • 3 years ago

Everybody used to say that graffiti was not art and that it was trash but now you can see graffiti art in museums all over the world. According to the movie style wars, graffiti painters could just put their signature on a piece of paper and people who buy it for 2 million dollars. I want people to know how far back graffiti goes in history.

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  • 3,971
  • 4 years ago
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  • 'Style Wars is a 1983 documentary on the hip hop culture in New York. The film has an focus on graffiti, although “bboying” and rapping are covered to a lesser extent.
  • Style Wars is primarily a documentary on graffiti but it also briefly touches on breaking and MCing. Funny that it doesn't mention DJing as a main part of Hip Hop, since that is considered the original and sometimes most important element these days. Overall, Style Wars is a fantastic documentary and a must see for fans of Graffiti and early.
  • 15,102
  • 4 years ago
When the term Mickey Mouse is brought up, people think of Walt Disney at first. But rarely someone thinks of Ub Iwerks, ...
  • 34,300
  • 4 years ago

Graffiti in its essence is nothing new: The basic practice of writing names or drawing figures on walls, rocks, trees and other objects dates back to the very first humans. However, graffiti in its modern understanding is widely considered an element of Hip Hop culture and follows the same maxim: It is all about style and skill. There are certain unwritten rules inside the community, such as not painting over a colorful piece with chrome or always trying to create a better piece than the one before. However, to the public eye, graffiti – at least in its illegal forms – oftentimes equals vandalism, which is why graffiti writers usually keep a low profile about their actions. For the last decades and due to the danger of prosecution, graffiti maintained its underground attitude, forming a small group of those in the know.

Ever since it was epitomized in the 1983 movies Wild Style and Style Wars, graffiti seemed inextricably linked to Hip Hop culture. However, graffiti has attracted other cultures as well. A prominent example is the crew MLPT whose mostly chrome and big-block pieces can be seen all over the city. MLPT is an abbreviation for “Melting Pot,” a group of antifacist soccer-fans of the local club VfL Bochum. Graffiti is also embraced by the local anti-fascist youth culture and many walls in Bochum showcase political slogans, “Antifa”-throw-ups or the well-known “ACAB.” It is no longer a Hip-Hop-only phenomenon, but a way of marking and appropriating urban space which is exercised by different scenes and cultures.

Style warsgraffiti movies & documentaries 2018

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In recent years and partly due to the increasing popularity of street art, graffiti gained a bit more acknowledgement as an art form. In order to provide a legal space for writers to paint, many cities have designated several walls as “Halls of Fame.” Here, graffiti is completely legal and writers have no need to hurry to finish their pieces.

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There a several Halls of Fame in Bochum – they are, among other hotspots, displayed in the map below.

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