Msa Practice Documentsmr. Slack's 3rd Grade Language Arts

Random process and queuing theory. 3rd Grade Language Arts Practice Test Suzy Skelton Third Grade English/Language Arts 10 Test. The library is a great place to learn. It is full of great books. 3rd Grade Language Arts Practice Test Suzy Skelton Third Grade English/Language Arts 10 Test. The library is a great place to learn. It is full of great books.

3rd Grade Language Skills Assessment

Questions from 12 different 3rd Grade Language Arts topics

1. Pick the best answer.

That's the ____________ Halloween costume ever!
scary scarier scariest

2. Write the two smaller words that make up the compound word.

bedroom ______ ______

What's a compound word that means:

a ball made of snow ______________

3. Pick the best connecting word.

The lobster was caught in the trap, _________ it was not hurt.
after but

4. Add the correct end punctuation: . ? or !

Call an ambulance now__

5. Pick the correct word.

He was stung by a _________. bee be

6. Complete the sentence by adding the past tense.

Do you know what he ____________ yesterday? find

Write the past tense for these words:

drop _______ rob _______ hum _______

7. Complete the sentence by writing in the missing possessive pronoun.

The books belong to the students. They are __________ books.

8. Fill in the missing prefix or suffix.

not usual: ____usual

with or full of hope: hope_____

9. Pick the right pronoun.

One of the boys lost _______ hat. his their

10. Write the plural for these words:

box _______ key _______ city _______

11. Pick the correct verb.

Craters _______ much of the moon. covers cover

12. Break these words into syllables.

review basketball environment

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Msa practice documents mr. slack

Msa Practice Documentsmr. Slack's 3rd Grade Language Arts Practice

1. scariest 2. bed room, snowball 3. but 4. ! 5. bee 6. found; dropped, robbed, hummed 7. their 8. unusual, hopeful 9. his 10. boxes, keys, cities 11. cover 12. re/view, bas/ket/ball, en/vi/ron/ment

Msa Practice Documents Mr. Slack's 3rd Grade Language Arts Lesson Plans